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There are Jokes here!

Antonio is a person who strives to never take life to seriously, here he has jokes on his website for you to peruse. Enjoy these bits and gags Antonio has to offer.

Beard Tracker

Antonio takes great pride in his facial hair, but because he is often playing youthful, vibrant, and exciting characters from across different times, he has to shave regularly. Every time Antonio has to shave for a role he is sad for a couple days. You can see by these pictures below.

Happy bearded Antonio! :)

Sad clean-shaven Antonio. :(

Here below is a facial hair tracker to see Antonio's current look, as well as seeing what different kinds of facial hair Antonio can wear.


Gallery of Unique Faces

Antonio has the capacity for many unique faces which you could all use in your show. His face is extremely malleable. Any face you want to make Antonio could try and make. here are some examples of strange and unusual faces you could use in your production

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